职位职责: | 1.要求(一经录取将提供良好的工作环境和发展空间,亦有去总部访问的机会): 1-1.大专以上学历 1-2.美术、设计专业或者有时尚女士手提包设计工作经验 1-3.英语听说读写流利者优先 1-4. 精通Adobe photoshop, coreldraw, Adobe illustrator软件 1-5.性格开朗,具有独特的设计理念和创新精神,能捕捉潮流趋势,对时尚女士手提袋有敏锐的触角 1-6.性别:女
2. 面试安排 2-1. 截止日期 : Feb. 3 (Tue.), 2009 2-2. 面试通知 : Feb. 9 (Mon.), 2009 2-3. 面试时间 : Feb. 12 (Thr.), 2009 ,请面试者带上自己设计的作品 2-4. 简历投递邮箱:info@annaimports.com(附简历模板) 3. 其他 3-1. 工作地点: 广州花都 3-2. 公司总部 : 美国 简历模版(请用英文填写,亦可附照片) 1. Name (Chinese) 1-1. First Name (Chinese) [ ] 1-2. Last Name (Chinese) [ ] 1-3. English Name (First & Last, If you have) [ ] 2. Birth ( Month / Day / Year ) [ / / ] 3. Gender [ Man / women] (please circle it) 4. Academic Background 4-1. Last graduated school name [ ] 4-2. Major [ ] 4-3. Sub-Major (if it is) [ ] 5. Foreign Language Ability 5-1. Which foreign language you can speak ? [ English or Others ] (If you can speak other language, explain it.) [ ] 5-2. English Speaking Level [ Fluent, Middle, Beginner ] (please circle it.) 5-3. Have you ever received any award for good design? [ Yes or No ] (please circle it.) (If you have, what is it) [ ] 6. Computer Skill 6-1. Can you handle Microsoft Office ? [ Yes / No ] (please circle it) 6-2. Can you any other software ? (If it is, let us know) [ ] 7. Personal Information 7-1. How many family member (s) do you have ? ( Sister / Brother ) [ ] 7-2. What is your father’s latest job ? [ ] 7-3. Are you married ? [ Yes / No ] (If yes, how many children) do you have) [ ] 7-4. Current Address [ ] 7-5. Telephone Numbers 7-5-1. Contact Telephone Number [ ] 7-5-2. Alternative Telephone Number (if it is) [ ] 7-6. E-mail Address [ ] 7-7. What kind of hobbies do you have ? [ ] 7-8. Home Town Address [ ] 8. Previous Working Experience (if it is) 8-1. Company Name / Handling Product (s) [ / ] 8-2. What kind of job did you do ? [ ] 9. Desired Monthly Pay (RMB) [ ] 10. Others 10-1. If you have any other strong points, let us know. [ ] 10-2. If you have any comments or questions, let us know [ ] 11. Personal Introduction ( Please explain your personal history and strength for our reference.) |
公司介绍: | Anna Imports于1996年成立,公司位于美国乔治亚州首府亚特兰大,归属于White Bear Group Inc 集团,主要从事时尚女士手提袋的进口和经营活动。 由于业务需要,在中国开设办事处,公司有很大的发展空间,是一个成长型的企业。 |