职位职责: |
要求: 1、有外贸服装企业工作经验2年以上。 2、英语要求国家4级以上,英语的听、说、讲能力较强者优先。 3、服装设计梭织女装为主。 4、最低学历要求,本科以上。其它方面优秀者专科可考虑。 5、对服装行业有一定的了解,对服装设计有浓厚的兴趣,同时具备设计、开发和销售的能力。
公司介绍: | 上海尚得服装有限公司为专业生产风衣、夹克、连衣裙、衬衫、裙子、胸衣和裤子等女装的服装工厂。我们主要为欧美主要品牌零售商和百货店供货,例如 Zara, Mango, Bershka, Massimo Dutti, Morgan, Xanaka, Falabella等。
公司已团队合作来进行跟单管理,由专业的业务员、采购员、品控、实验室检验、计划员、开发技术人员、打样员等合作,为买家提供高品质的产品和新的款式。 Shanghai Speeko Garment Co, Ltd is a woven garment manufacturer specialized in ladies coats, jackets, dress, blouse, skirts, corsets and pants. We work with leading retailers or department stores like: Zara, Mango, Bershka, Massimo Dutti, Morgan, Xanaka and Falabella etc.
There are totally 250 sewing machines with capacity of 20000-30000 pieces per month. Plus subcontractors under same QA system, we export 1mil pieces garment or USD8mil per year. We strictly follow ISO9002 system plus own developed garment QA system. We adopt US 4 point system in fabric inspection and AQL in trim and final product inspection. We also use special designed garment ERP system to improve our efficiency.
The company works in a team with specialist of merchandisers, purchase, QA/QC, lab QC, PPC, R & D technician and sampling teams etc to offer quality products and updated styles to our buyers.
有意者请将个人简历、证件复印件、近照寄至: 上海尚得服装有限公司 人事部收 地址:上海市青浦华徐公路3029弄125号 邮编:201106 E-mail: liusongzi@speeko.com