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职位职责: 职位要求:
1. 优秀美术基础,对于网站的美工开发有独到的见解和意见。对于色彩的搭配有着独到的见解和体会。
2. 有对电子商务网站整体创意经验,相关行业工作2年以上。
3. 精通 macromedia 及adobe系列如Photoshop、Flash、Fireworks、dreamweaver等设计制作网页设计软件。
4. 精通html (div),css
5. 熟悉网站制作、设计流程,能跟踪最新的网页设计、制作技术,应聘者请务必附上作品或作品图片。
6. 具有团队合作经验,高度的责任感,具有自我激励和良好的交流和沟通技巧,有创新精神。
7. 会JavaScript优先考虑

★ 负责网站页面设计,以及静态页面的编写。 
★ FLASH动画设计。 
★ 具有积极热诚的工作态度,良好的团队合作精神。
★ 大专以上学历。

公司介绍:Salmon China Limited, trading as 赛欧曼软件科技(北京)有限公司, is a new subsidiary of Salmon UK Limited, an IT services and consulting company that specialises in identifying, developing, implementing and supporting web-based applications and systems. Since 1989, Salmon has experienced solid growth, combining comprehensive business insight and IT project management expertise to successfully translate leading edge technologies into viable solutions. Salmon also has a subsidiary (Salmon LLC) in the USA. By opening an office in China, Salmon is demonstrating its commitment to expand its business and strengthen its efforts in delivering solutions world-wide including the Chinese market, poised to become the largest economy in the world. Today, organisations continue to turn to Salmon for reliable advice and assistance with the development of complex e-Business applications. Time and time again, the reason for selecting Salmon is due to our ability to quickly assess our clients' needs, to embrace those needs in fixed development projects and to deliver on time and within budget, whilst always managing risk. As well as development autonomy, Salmon is also called upon by incumbent systems integrators to provide the necessary specialist skills required by the client, but unavailable from the systems integrator themselves. Our outstanding track record of meeting our clients objectives, led to Salmon UK Ltd being awarded I.T. Management Consultancy of the Year, by the Computing Industry Awards in 2002. Salmon has successfully completed more than 220 projects across a broad range of industry sectors including insurance, retail, retail banking, manufacturing, telecommunications, utilities, media, I.T. and local government.Salmon China offers committed individuals the chance to really make a difference. Working for a start up company, you can enjoy fast personal career growth and the chance to build an exciting and challenging career. At Salmon, our strategy is simple: we hire the very best and encourage them to make our clients dreams a reality. You must be prepared to work hard, in a low-ego and fun atmosphere. As well as a record of success, you'll need dedication and determination; you'll have the temperament to work both in teams and on your own initiative and the ability to generate ideas and bring them to fruition. You'll have the potential to build an exciting and challenging career at Salmon.
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