职位职责: |
要求: -男,大专及以上学历。 -能熟练运用Pro/E4.0(含简单的分模和工程图)。 -对模具基本结构有一定了解,压铸模优先。 -能吃苦耐劳,最好有珠三角工作经验。 -英语熟练,能看懂全英文图纸。 -服从上级的其他安排。 职责: -负责整个锌合金/铝合金从接到产品图到出模具细图整个设计,全部在Pro/E中完成。 -协助工程师完成上级下达的工作任务。 -负责与模具供应商或内部模具间的技术沟通和解决问题。 -设计文件整理。 -利用DFM与客户沟通。
公司介绍: | DYNACAST是全世界最具规模和知名度的精密零件领导品牌的制造商之一,总部位于英国。专业生产锌,铝,镁等材质零件,提供全球制造业者。上海奈那卡斯电子配件有限公司系DYNACAST投资的一家独资企业。现因业务扩展需要诚聘人员(工作地点为上海松江)。
Dynacast is the world leader in precision die casting of zinc, aluminium and magnesium alloys. No other diecaster can rival our international network. We operate in 20 countries through 26 locations, 20 of which are manufacturing. Global compatibility in design, tooling and production, provides our customers the benefit of liaison with local operations while tool and component manufacture can occur in the best place worldwide to meet their needs. Though Dynacast's roots lie in our proprietary multi-slide die casting process we are equally as strong in the manufacture of larger parts by conventional hot and cold chamber die casting methods. This unique full service die casting capability allows customers to leverage their global sourcing while minimizing their supply base.
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邮 箱: | Recruitment-dsh#dynacast.com.cn |