公司介绍: | 深圳市新雨景实业有限公司是华盛兴业集团旗下负责国内市场开发、生产销售的公司。华盛兴业集团从事雨伞制造业二十余年历史,产品销往世界各地。年出口额达数亿人民币。集团属下有纺织厂、印花厂、丝印厂等相关企业。新雨景公司从九十年代末进入国内市场,开发拥有“雨景”“韵”牌系列产品。为更好满足客户开发要求.2007年投资数千万元.新建新雨景工业园及热转印车间.产品设计、款式紧跟世界雨个发展潮流,生产工厂通过ISO9002 SA8000质量体系认证,生产能力高达年产量2000万支以上。公司宗旨:将新颖、时尚、质优、价廉的产品推向市场,服务大众。
SHENZHEN NEW HORIZON UMBRELLA CO.,LTD. is a subsidiary of WAH SHING GROUP exploring and developing the china market. WAH SHING GROUP has been manufacture umbrella for 20 years. Products age accepted worldwide, annual export production has reached billion RMB. The holdings also include fabric manufacturing, fabric printing and related business. WAH SHING GROUP was established during late 90's in china market. We're introduced the "RAINSCAPE" and "IN" brand product lines. The products are specially design fashion elegant. Products carry ISO9002 and SA8000 certifies. Production capacity is 30 million pieces annually; our company direction is to bring the best in quality, the first in fashion, the fairest in pricing to the service of people.
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