公司介绍: | Company Description: Formed in 2004, BDL Media Ltd provides the means for small, medium, and large businesses to communicate with their stakeholders in China. We give companies the software tools to enhance their public relations and marketing campaigns. In 2010, BDL Media was acquired by Vocus, Inc. (NASDAQ: VOCS), a global leader in on-demand software for public relations. For more information about Vocus and BDL Media, please visit and
公司简介: BDL Media 成立于2004年,主要致力于提供业内领先的软件技术及服务,搭建高效、先进的沟通和营销平台,帮助客户提高公关和市场推广的影响力。2010年,BDL Media 被纳斯达克上市公司 Vocus, Inc (NASDAQ: VOCS) 收购。Vocus 是全球领先的公共关系管理软件服务提供商。欲了解更多有关 Vocus 的信息,请登录 和。 |